Zombie - персоны — стр. 7

Walther, Manuel Walther, Manuel Dead Survivors
Waltman, Tyler Waltman, Tyler How to Survive a Zombie Attack (Public Service Announcement)
Walsh, Steve Walsh, Steve Конец человечества, A Toss of the Dice, Android Re-Enactment
Waltenberry, Michael Waltenberry, Michael Better Off Undead
Walsh, Zach Walsh, Zach Deep River: The Island
Walmesley, Simon Walmesley, Simon The Eschatrilogy: Book of the Dead
Walmesley, James Walmesley, James The Eschatrilogy: Book of the Dead
Wallum, Kerry Wallum, Kerry Путешествие Августа Кинга, Первый пёс, Молодые стрелки 2
Wallis, Anthony Wallis, Anthony Парни что надо, Homesdale, Or Forever Hold Your Peace
Wallis, Andy Wallis, Andy Screen, The Eschatrilogy: Book of the Dead
Walling, Gavin Walling, Gavin How to Survive a Zombie Attack (Public Service Announcement)
Wakeford, Jonny Wakeford, Jonny The Eschatrilogy: Book of the Dead
Wadsworth, Craig Wadsworth, Craig The Eschatrilogy: Book of the Dead
Vuncannon, Sandy Vuncannon, Sandy Max & Carls Zombie Adventures
Vuncannon, Collin Vuncannon, Collin Max & Carls Zombie Adventures
Vuckswold, Howard Vuckswold, Howard Z Corps
Volkoff, Ilya Volkoff, Ilya Инфекция зомби
Jr., Keith Jr., Keith Große weite Welt, Invisible - Illegal in Europa, Leipzig im Herbst
III, Bruce H. III, Bruce H. Deadlands 2: Trapped
Vivas, Juan Carlos Vivas, Juan Carlos Обожаемая Моника (сериал), Сила любви (сериал), Инес Дуарте, личный секретарь (сериал)
Vivas, Jhony Vivas, Jhony La sacristia
Vivas, Javier Vivas, Javier Olga, Victoria Olga
Vivas, Ivan Vivas, Ivan Ill See You in My Dreams
Visser, Victor Visser, Victor La crise, Slapeloos
Visser, Robert Visser, Robert Slapeloos, 1-Paart-Dorp, A Journey with Paul Cox