Young Man - персоны — стр. 9

Maya, Roberto Maya, Roberto As Desquitadas, O Caçador de Fantasma, Final Feliz
Matarrese, Joseph Matarrese, Joseph Searching for Fortune, American Homestead, Slanted
Massard, Stéphane Massard, Stéphane Hommage à Alfred Lepetit, Nico, Toute une histoire
Masilela, Samuel Masilela, Samuel Le secret de Chanda
Martin, Iain Martin, Iain The Accidental Tourist
Mani, Arjet Mani, Arjet In Transit
Mangado, Vincent Mangado, Vincent Ад, Le dernier caravansérail
Mandilas, John Mandilas, John Casablan
Mallett, Peter Mallett, Peter The Sleeping People
Malinescu, Alexandru Malinescu, Alexandru Trandafirul galben
Malinen, Tero Malinen, Tero The Human Sculptures
Magee, Patrick Magee, Patrick Regret
Magcamit, Jhon Cris Magcamit, Jhon Cris Играть в жизнь Джона
MacLeod, R. Ian MacLeod, R. Ian Beneath the Tracks, Confession Booth, Hunger Strike
Luria, Alex Luria, Alex Событие (сериал), Служители, Семейные тайны (сериал)
Losoya, Eric Losoya, Eric Ideal World, Rosa, Страсть (сериал)
Lopez, Christopher James Lopez, Christopher James I Believe in America, Its About Ugliness, Lost Revolution
Lok, Tim Lok, Tim Cityside Country
Lloyd, Jeremy Lloyd, Jeremy The Beatles: Вечер трудного дня, Убийство в Восточном Экспрессе, На помощь!
Liu, Juyong Liu, Juyong Бродяги, Xi shi yan
Lisak, Alex Ripley Lisak, Alex Ripley Patriarchy, When the Wind Blows
Linares, Abimael Linares, Abimael Гость, La Agencia (сериал), A Truth in Silence
LI, Cheng-Neng LI, Cheng-Neng Jang-Gae
Levil, Guillaume Levil, Guillaume La Curieuse Histoire sans cuillère, La vieille dame qui ne souriait plus, Le Train de midi
Lepp, Trenton Lepp, Trenton Condition Human, Historiske arbejdspladser, Laulava sydän