Персонажи — стр. 451

6th Elder 6th Elder 6th Elder Супермен
6th Eliminated (2002) 6th Eliminated (2002) 6th Eliminated (2002)
6th gendarme 6th gendarme 6th gendarme Церемония
6th gentleman in white lab coat 6th gentleman in white lab coat 6th gentleman in white lab coat Lurch
6th Grade Mother 6th Grade Mother 6th Grade Mother
6th Grade Student 6th Grade Student 6th Grade Student
6th Grader P.E. Victim 6th Grader P.E. Victim 6th Grader P.E. Victim
6th Journalist 6th Journalist 6th Journalist Встреча с Венерой, Bors, The Media Show (сериал)
6th Officer Moody 6th Officer Moody 6th Officer Moody Титаник, Баффи – истребительница вампиров (сериал)
6th Organ Hunter 6th Organ Hunter 6th Organ Hunter Нирвана, I misteri di Cascina Vianello, Musi e volti su sfondo nero
6th Outlaw 6th Outlaw 6th Outlaw Timerider: The Adventure of Lyle Swann, Kiss Me Quick!, My Tale Is Hot
6th Reporter 6th Reporter 6th Reporter Супермен
6th Robbery Victim 6th Robbery Victim 6th Robbery Victim
6th Street - Homeless Man 6th Street - Homeless Man 6th Street - Homeless Man Люди как мы, Оз: Великий и Ужасный, Утро понедельника
6th Street 70 Year old man 6th Street 70 Year old man 6th Street 70 Year old man Утро понедельника
6th Street 75sh Old Woman 6th Street 75sh Old Woman 6th Street 75sh Old Woman
6th Street Big Man 6th Street Big Man 6th Street Big Man Утро понедельника
6th Street Fighter 6th Street Fighter 6th Street Fighter
6th Street King 6th Street King 6th Street King Глаза дракона, G.I. Joe: Бросок кобры 2, Горизонт (сериал)
6th Street Latin Man 6th Street Latin Man 6th Street Latin Man Утро понедельника