Оригинальный слоган | Enter the mind of a serial killer. |
Жанр | Детектив, Драма, Криминал, Триллер |
Хронометраж | 44 мин. |
Режиссер |
Премьера | 23 сентября 2019 г. (В России — 24 сентября 2019 г.) |
Страна | США |
Сценарий |
Композитор |
Том Пэйн
Лу Даймонд Филлипс
Майкл Шин
Джузеппе Ардиззоне
Джессика Бланк
Чарлэйн Вудард
Анна Ганн
Криминальный психолог Малькольма Брайта лучше всех разбирается в поведении маньяков и составляет на них досье. Как так получилось? Дело в том, что его родной отец — серийный убийца по кличке Хирург. Малькольму предстоит консультироваться с папой по поводу новых дел и параллельно самому не сойти с ума.
2 сезон |
13 серий | ||
s02e13 |
Последний уик-энд
The Last Weekend
The search for a serial killer known as "The Woodsman" might help the NYPD find one of their own.
18 мая 2021 г. | |
s02e12 |
Солнце и веселье
Sun and Fun
Vivian takes Martin to a rural mansion, where she reveals her plan to psychologically break him until he accepts his new role as her "companion"; Martin resists, and she resorts to more brutal methods. Malcolm is removed from the effort to recapture his father, so he has Jessica use her connections to obtain information on Vivian, who he initially believes is a victim. Gil and the team refuse to help him, and Dani urges Malcolm to let his father die so he can finally be free of his influence. Malcolm then realizes Vivian abducted his father and allows himself to be captured as well so he can try to save him. Vivian contacts Jessica and persuades her not to tell Gil about Martin by promising she will "deal" with him. At the mansion, Martin is forced to watch as Vivian intentionally botches a surgery on Malcolm and then leaves him to die. Managing to break his bonds, Martin saves his son's life. Ainsley and Dani show up, and Vivian stabs herself and screams that the Surgeon attacked her. Fearing that Dani will shoot him, Martin steals a speedboat, loads a comatose Malcolm in it, and escapes on the open waters.
11 мая 2021 г. | |
s02e11 |
You Can Run...
Вы можете запустить...
Malcolm joins the hunt for the escapees, struggling with the realization that he no longer has any control over Martin. After finding his apartment ransacked, he deduces that the fugitives need money and food and locates Friar Pete in a bowling alley. Pete tries to kill him before being shot dead, angering Malcolm as he now has no leads. Jessica unexpectedly bonds with both JT and Vivian over shared experiences of guilt and trauma. The team gets a new lead when they learn that Martin has secretly been in touch with Ainsley; this leads Malcolm and Gil to a farm where they soon realize someone is holding the owner's family hostage. Federal marshals storm the house and rescue the hostages, but when Malcolm follows them in, he only finds the other escaped inmate. The man laughs and says Martin simply told them what to do, meaning he has been leading everyone on a wild goose chase. Malcolm visits Vivian, who has been fired for her conduct, and says that he will never let his father manipulate him again. Unbeknownst to everyone, Vivian, having suffered a psychotic break, has kidnapped Martin and has her own plans for him.
4 мая 2021 г. | |
s02e10 |
Стратегия отступления
Exit Strategy
Vivian begins to suspect that Friar Pete is planning something, but he blackmails her with knowledge of her affair with Martin to keep quiet. Malcolm discovers that the only witness to a brutal murder is a retired chess grandmaster suffering from agoraphobia; as he refuses to leave his apartment, Dani agrees to interview him in his home. Malcolm bonds with him after the witness reveals that he knows about the former's hidden feelings for Dani. Martin springs his secret plan by having Pete poison numerous inmates with rat poison, forcing Vivian to undo his restraints so he can help her, tricking her into giving him her keycard, and then triggering a lockdown so he, Pete, and Pete's disciple can escape. He abandons Vivian, telling her that his family matters more. Malcolm helps the witness escape from the killer when he tries to silence him, and Dani arrives in time to arrest him. Jessica is trapped in Claremont during a visit, and is forced to stab an inmate in self-defense before Gil rescues her. Malcolm finds a voicemail from his father telling him to come find him, just as Dani informs him of the breakout.
27 апреля 2021 г. | |
s02e09 |
The Killabustas
Martin is forcibly restrained on Vivian's orders after he demands that she reciprocate his love for her. Despite Gil's insistence that he take a break from work, Malcolm joins an investigation into a dismembered corpse. The victim turns out to have a connection to Edrisa: both are members of the "Killabusters", a group of amateur Internet detectives. After running into several other Killabusters, Malcolm invites them to assist. Vivian secretly visits Martin that evening, revealing that she has admired him since medical school and tried to emulate his success, only to be ignored by her peers until a reckless mistake ruined her professional career. Martin seizes the opportunity and pushes her until she gives in and has sex with him. Malcolm realizes that the killer is posing as a Killabuster and he and Edrisa are able to capture him before he finishes off his latest victim. Gil and Jessica share a dance after he agrees to help her with her memoirs. Malcolm is discussing the incident with Natalie with Dani when he accidentally mentions Endicott; shocked and frightened that she might figure out what he did, he sends her away.
20 апреля 2021 г. | |
s02e08 |
Malcolm's latest case forces him to cross paths with Hoxley, who announces to the press that Endicott's murder was part of a larger conspiracy involving a network of international smugglers. Hoxley soon proves himself to be just as smart as Malcolm, deducing that Endicott was murdered in Jessica's townhouse and that Martin helped dispose of the body; however, he concludes that Malcolm, not Ainsley, stabbed Endicott. Malcolm turns his focus to solving the case: based on Hoxley's previous work, he realizes that someone is killing everyone involved with the disposal of Endicott's remains. Forced to deceive his own team, he tracks down the last remaining courier, a woman named Natalie, but comes to the realization that not only is she the real killer, she knows about his role in Endicott's murder. Malcolm stops her from killing Hoxley, but Natalie refuses to let him help her and winds up getting impaled on an anchor. A grateful Hoxley agrees with Malcolm that Natalie killed Endicott and declares so in an interview with Ainsley. Martin is confronted by Vivian for stealing; the two give into their feelings for each other and briefly kiss.
13 апреля 2021 г. | |
s02e07 |
Face Value
Malcolm is torn between watching out for Ainsley and taking on a complicated case involving the murder of a plastic surgeon. Ainsley disobeys her brother's instructions and refuses to hide while he has her clothing tested by Edrisa. Jessica's younger sister, Birdie, makes an unannounced visit; Jessica discovers that Birdie, needing money, has secretly written a tell-all book about her family. Unable to stop the book from being published, she decides to write and publish her own memoirs. Martin is assigned to work as a janitor in Claremont's infirmary, run by Dr. Vivian Capshaw, and bonds with her when he steps in to correct her faulty diagnosis of a patient. Malcolm saves another surgeon on the brink of death, and he and Dani learn that the killer is in fact a formerly disfigured patient who assumed a new identity in order to take revenge for her botched operation. Malcolm convinces her that letting her final victim live will be a far greater revenge. He later confronts Ainsley with his discovery that the blood on her shirt was animal, not human. Ainsley tells him that she is done being manipulated, and that Malcolm will just have to make peace with the knowledge that his sister is a murderer. In Estonia, Europol detective Simon Hoxley finds the last of Nicholas Endicott's remains.
2 марта 2021 г. | |
s02e06 |
Тяжёлый случай
Head Case
Malcolm suffers a severe concussion while investigating a murder in a decrepit hotel. He finds himself trapped in his own subconscious, which changes to reflect a world where he never found out his father's secret: Martin is a happy family man, Jessica never became an alcoholic, Ainsley is now a doctor instead of a journalist, Gil was framed as a lunatic by Martin and is now incarcerated in his place in Claremont, and Malcolm himself is a respected NYPD detective in a healthy relationship with Dani. Although he is tempted by this new reality, Malcolm continues his investigation, learning that the murderer is an elderly serial killer and stopping him. This changes nothing, however, and Malcolm is finally forced to choose between dying and being at peace or rejecting everything he ever wished for. He chooses the latter, and helps the police arrest the murderer. That night, Ainsley visits Malcolm so he can tell her the truth, only to reveal that her shirt is covered with blood.
16 февраля 2021 г. | |
s02e05 |
Плохие манеры
Bad Manners
Ainsley undermines Malcolm by interfering with an investigation into the "Debutante Slayer", a serial killer targeting students of the famous Windsor Academy for young women. Jessica, fearful of what Ainsley is capable of, contemplates sending her away to Europe. Gil and JT arrest a professional doll maker for the murders, but Malcolm determines he's not the killer. Ainsley accidentally finds one of the Slayer's victims and turns it into a promo for her network, infuriating her brother who accuses her of treating murder like a game. Ainsley retorts that Malcolm is the last person to be calling her out for such a thing. Their argument comes to a head when the real killer, the neglected daughter of the school headmistress, is revealed and Ainsley tries and fails to stab her. The headmistress commits suicide, and the daughter is taken into custody. JT chooses not to file an abuse complaint, saying he won't let hate poison him like his attacker. Jessica visits Martin and makes him promise to help her save their children.
9 февраля 2021 г. | |
s02e04 |
Возьми своего отца на работу
Take Your Father to Work Day
Jerry, Martin's old cellmate, falls to his death shortly before his scheduled release. The team determines that he was actually murdered, and Malcolm is forced to work with his father as he was a witness to Jerry's death. Ainsley recovers some of her memories after seeing an identical image of the carpet Malcolm used to wrap Endicott's body and demands her brother tell her the truth about that night, which he refuses. Jessica also gets suspicious and calls Martin, who hints that something might have happened but says nothing else. Jerry's prison girlfriend, Rhonda, claims Martin killed him as part of his escape plan, but Malcolm soon realizes he was misdirected: Rhonda killed Jerry out of anger for him leaving her behind and now wants to kill Martin for "curing" him. While pursuing Rhonda, she gets the drop on him, and only Martin working together with Dani saves his life. Jessica forces Malcolm to admit the truth. Malcolm tells her never to say a word to Ainsley, or they might lose her forever.
2 февраля 2021 г. | |
s02e03 |
Альма Матер
A murder at Remington Academy, a prestigious boarding school where Malcolm was expelled in his teens, causes him to relive painful memories of an incident where a bully locked him in a closet for three days after learning his real name. The team identifies three potential suspects, all of them students; Malcolm initially believes that a teacher who had forced the students to help him sell the answers to tests is responsible, but then the real killer traps him and explains that, like him, she hates the burden of her family name and committed the murder to protect her chances of getting into a college of her choice. Malcolm activates a fire alarm to escape, but not before revealing that he deliberately tried to kill the bully by triggering his asthma before saving him after realizing that taking a life would make him no better than his father. Martin discreetly obtains two of the three keycards needed to bypass the hospital's security checkpoints. JT and his wife welcome a son.
26 января 2021 г. | |
s02e02 |
Лёгок на помине
Speak Of The Devil
The team investigates the ritualistic murder of a priest. Discovering that the victim was an exorcist, Malcolm determines that the killer believes themself to be possessed by a demon. After determining that the priest's last patient lacks the self-control necessary to commit the murder, he consults with Martin, who in turn consults with Friar Pete, another patient at Claremont. The killer is eventually revealed to be an art restorer working at the victim's church, driven mad by lead poisoning from the painting he was working on. With Friar Pete's help, Malcolm subdues the man by reciting the words for an exorcism. Meanwhile, JT worries he'll face harassment from other officers following his encounter with the racist cops, which proves to be true when he calls for backup only to be ignored. Jessica ends her relationship with Gil out of fear that he'll risk his life unnecessarily to protect her. Martin and Pete begin plotting to escape the hospital as Martin believes his son needs him.
19 января 2021 г. | |
s02e01 |
Все дело в исполнение
It's All In The Execution
Several months have passed since Endicott's death, which Malcolm covered up by disposing of the body in Estonia, a decision that has haunted him since. As the team, currently headed by JT as Gil recovers, arrest a serial killer, Malcolm learns that his father is being transferred back to Claremont as a reward for helping Riker's deal with COVID-19. The team handles a new case involving a woman being decapitated by a guillotine and her boyfriend being bricked inside a room alive; Malcolm deduces that the couple killed the woman's husband and let an innocent Hispanic youth be executed for it, and now the executioner is extracting justice. JT announces a false arrest to lure out the executioner, who goes after Malcolm; Malcolm overpowers him as Dani arrives to arrest him. As JT walks into the alleyway towards Malcolm's apartment, he assaults a cop who believes he's the killer. Malcolm and Dani save him before he gets shot. Afterwards, Malcolm visits Martin, who tells him to be proud of himself for protecting his sister. He tells Malcolm that deep down, there's a possibility he enjoyed disposing of Endicott's corpse.
12 января 2021 г. | |
1 сезон |
20 серий | ||
s01e20 |
Как и отец...
Like Father...
Malcolm is bailed out by Jessica and immediately asks to be put on the case, but is instead confined to his mother's house. After managing to escape, he meets up with Edrisa and the two of them deduce that the crime lab that processed Eddie's body is dirty and planted evidence. Endicott arranges for Dr. Whitly to be transferred to Riker's, where a bounty is placed on his head. Malcolm and Ainsley visit their father to try to get him to reveal what he has on Endicott, but it turns out he never had anything. Gil informs Malcolm that he is going to be officially charged and tells him to leave town. Malcolm finds Eve's sister Sophie, who is working as a veterinarian, and explains how he knows that she was the one who killed Eddie. However, he decides to take the blame instead. Gil goes to Endicott's house to retrieve Jessica, who winds up saving his life when Endicott has him stabbed. Endicott then takes Ainsley prisoner and lures Malcolm back to his mother's house. Malcolm threatens Endicott with a gun; when Endicott mockingly says he'll never be prosecuted, Ainsley slits his throat and stabs him multiple times, killing him. Dr. Whitly contacts his children, revealing he has a plan to stay alive.
27 апреля 2020 г. | |
s01e19 |
Я вышел, чтобы забрать тебя
Out to Get You
Malcolm receives word that Eve is dead, seemingly from suicide. After conferring with Edrissa, he convinces Gil that she was murdered and that he needs to be the one who finds the killer. Dr. Whitly calls his family to a meeting where he reveals that Endicott is indeed responsible for having Eve killed, which horrifies Jessica. Ainsley decides to expose Endicott for who he is, but it turns out he's aware of her plans, and makes it clear that he can help advance her career so long as she drops her investigation. A contract killer who Malcolm fingers as the culprit turns out to be innocent, but advises him that staging a suicide is a complicated operation requiring a true professional. By searching Eve's apartment, JT and Malcolm find evidence that leads them to an assassin, Eddie, who has just been ordered to strangle Dr. Whitly in his cell. The doctor overpowers his attacker and gouges his eyes out. Gil visits Jessica and they share a drink, before Jessica confesses that she always loved Gil but felt she could never be good enough for him and they kiss. Malcolm is visited by the team, who arrest him on charges of murdering Eddie at the hospital.
20 апреля 2020 г. | |
s01e18 |
After some self-reflection, Malcolm decides to take Eve to visit Dr. Whitly as part of a strategy to manipulate him into confessing his part in her sister's death. A ballet dancer who defected from Cuba is poisoned while performing at a party hosted by wealthy socialite Nicholas Endicott. Gil displays signs of jealousy when he discovers Endicott has been romancing Jessica. The team investigates the dancer's ballet company, and learn that the victim fled from Cuba after his mentor was arrested for poisoning several other dancers. Dr. Whitly spends several hours gathering his thoughts and contacts Eve for another visit. Malcolm forms a theory that the mentor, presumed dead while trying to escape Cuba, is still alive; he turns out to be posing as a stagehand and killed his pupil out of fear that he would talk. Malcolm returns to his father with Eve in tow, and learns the truth: Dr. Whitly spared her sister's life after she gave him the name of a powerful man who wanted her dead. Eve departs to find her sister and tells Malcolm to stay out of it. Unbeknownst to both of them, Dr. Whitly chose not to name the man: Nicholas Endicott.
30 марта 2020 г. | |
s01e17 |
Незнакомец рядом с тобой
Stranger Beside You
Malcolm asks Ainsley to look into Eve's past. He and the team are put on the case of a prominent mommy blogger who's husband was murdered shortly after their daughter Nina's birth. Malcolm recognizes that the murder was committed by someone with a "depraved heart", meaning Nina is the motive. Ainsley visits Jessica with a revelation: Eve is biologically related to the girl in the box. Malcolm speaks to Dr. Whitly, who tells him that Nina's mother is diabetic and therefore incapable of having a child without serious complications. It turns out the pregnancy was faked, and that Nina's real mother is the family nanny, Christine. Jessica and Ainsley visit Malcolm at the same time Eve comes by to explain herself; struggling with his emotions, Malcolm puts his full focus on the case. He learns from Christine that her abusive ex-husband is Nina's father and determined to take her back, so he sets a trap and takes him into custody. Christine agrees to let Nina be formally adopted by her employer. Malcolm convinces Eve that they need to deal with her sister to save their relationship. Eve shows him a picture, and he finally sees the girl's face in his mind.
23 марта 2020 г. | |
s01e16 |
The Job
Malcolm's old friend Vijay, an insurance investigator, joins the team to hunt down the gang behind a series of high-end robberies, which leaves one woman dead and another in critical condition. Based on this information, Malcolm determines that one of the thieves is a thrill killer who derives satisfaction and pleasure from murder. Dr. Whitly blackmails Jessica, demanding that Malcolm visit him weekly or he'll lie and say she tried to kill him. To take her mind off things, Jessica gets her son to call Eve for dinner. Malcolm confesses to her that he is continually haunted by the girl in the box. Vijay makes a secret deal with the gang to buy back the stolen goods, but Malcolm follows him and convinces the gang that he's an appraiser. He uses the opportunity to study them, until his cover is blown and Vijay is sent away while the gang decides what to do with Malcolm. Using his profiling skills, he convinces the gang members to shoot each other out of paranoia and fear, while Vijay shows up and runs down the killer with his car. Eve offers to help Jessica find the girl in the box, but appears to be keeping a secret from her and Malcolm.
16 марта 2020 г. | |
s01e15 |
Дверь смерти
Death's Door
As Dr. Whitly lies in a medically-induced coma, Jessica tells her son she's willing to accept responsibility for his attempted murder. Malcolm is then sent to help investigate a mysterious case involving a perfectly embalmed corpse, which he determines was the work of a necrophiliac. With help from the victim's ex-business partner, Tilda Carp (Ana Gasteyer), they are able to identify a suspect: Leanne Triutt, a disgraced former morgue worker. Jessica is contacted by Dr. Whitly's sleazy former lawyer, Sterling, who offers to get the charges against her dismissed; on the advice of Ainsley, she instead chooses to reach out to Eve, who agrees to defend her. Malcolm finds himself unwilling to visit his father and argues with Dani and his sister about it. Leanne breaks into the precinct and holds Edrissa at gunpoint, demanding the victim's body. Malcolm distracts her while Edrissa knocks her down with a metal tray just before backup arrives. Inspired by Leanne's words, Malcolm decides to go see Dr. Whitly, who is haunted by a nightmare of the girl in the box. He realizes that he regrets none of his crimes, and vows to reunite with his family.
17 февраля 2020 г. | |
s01e14 |
Игольное ушко
Eye of the Needle
Jessica is contacted by a man who claims to know about the girl in the box, but when she goes to meet him, a body turns up. The killer, keeping his identity secret, calls Ainsley during her first day as a studio anchorwoman and publicly demands that Jessica pay him $30 million not to kill a second victim. Dr. Whitly takes the opportunity to also call in to Ainsley's program and offer his insight that the killer is motivated by a personal grudge against him. Jessica prepares the ransom against Gil's advice and the killer humiliates her by making her dump it on the street while also killing the second victim anyway. Malcolm suspects that the killer despises the entire Whitly family and decides that he needs to speak to his father. Jessica shows up as well, and reveals the killer wants her to murder her husband to save another hostage. Malcolm performs the murder instead, specifically aiming not to fatally pierce Dr. Whitly's heart. He and the team intercept the killer, the husband of a patient who died on Dr. Whitly's table, and save the hostage. However, Malcolm refuses to tell Gil exactly what happened.
10 февраля 2020 г. | |
s01e13 |
Ждать и надеяться
Wait & Hope
Malcolm's planned vacation is interrupted when, on the way to the airport, he stops to briefly consult on an attorney's murder. The MO points towards a killer obsessed with The Count of Monte Cristo who is inflicting various types of poetic justice on a series of men linked to the wealthy Taylor family. The team discovers that their only son, Cal Taylor, was involved in the apparent death of a woman named Isabella, which his father had covered up. Gil and Malcolm go to the Taylor estate and catch Ernesto, Isabella's father, but Malcolm is convinced that he wasn't responsible. Shut out of the investigation, he pays a secret visit to his father, who advises him to focus on Cal as a suspect. With Dani posing as a guest, Malcolm crashes the wedding and distracts the guests with a long speech about fathers, in which he exposes the senior Taylor's crimes. Isabella, who survived her "death", tries to shoot him but misses, and Dani takes her into custody. Malcolm assures the father he'll answer for his involvement as well. Dr. Whitly eagerly watches Ainsley's coverage of the story, believing that he has finally made a connection with his son.
3 февраля 2020 г. | |
s01e12 |
Внутренние дела
Internal Affairs
An "incident" leads to Malcolm being forced by the department to undergo a mental fitness evaluation with psychiatrist Simon Coppenrach. As the interview unfolds, Malcolm explains how he defied Gil's instructions by inserting himself into the case of Tristan Johnston, a man with ties to a private specialist running a cult-like institute that claims to cure trauma through electroshock treatments. Malcolm enters the institute seeking help with his condition and meets Andi, a fellow patient who was recruited to the institute by Tristan. Before they can go to the police, however, Andi is abducted. The specialist claims that she was kidnapped by a deprogrammer, but when a suspect is identified, Malcolm believes that he is not the real culprit. Gil kicks him out of the precinct after an argument, which then triggers the incident. Coppenrach declares him unfit to work, but Malcolm reveals that the evaluation was a trap: he had found evidence that tied Coppenrach to the kidnapper. The doctor is subdued and arrested, and Andi is rescued from captivity. Gil orders Malcolm to take an extended vacation before he can return to active duty.
27 января 2020 г. | |
s01e11 |
Alone Time
Malcolm wakes up and finds himself chained in the cellar of a building. Watkins appears and the two of them begin to play mind games with each other, with Malcolm attempting to profile him. As Malcolm tries to get more information about the girl and the camping trip, Watkins reveals that Malcolm stabbed him all those years ago. Watkins ends up stabbing Malcolm and reveals that his father brought him on that trip to kill him, but was unable to follow through. Meanwhile the NYPD and FBI work to try to locate Malcolm. Gil goes to talk to both Jessica and Martin, resulting in a tense stand off before Gil reveals to him that Watkins has taken Malcolm. Martin has a breakdown and insists that Malcolm is dead. Watkins tells Malcolm his intent to kill Jessica and Ainsley as his family is his weakness. Malcolm realizes that the rumbling that he's hearing is not a river, but the subway and that Watkins brought him to his mother's home. Watkins goes up and attacks Jessica and Ainsley, who both fight back. Malcolm uses a hammer to crush his hand to free himself and saves his family from Watkins.
20 января 2020 г. | |
s01e10 |
Тихая ночь
Silent Night
NYPD Chief of Detectives Turner is murdered; the case forces Malcolm to cross paths with alcoholic ex-cop Owen Shannon (Sean Pertwee), who oversaw Dr. Whitley's case and treated him more like a suspect than a witness. Shannon confronts Malcolm, claiming that he was unfairly dismissed from the force for insisting that there was another killer helping his father. Gil and the rest of the team are left to deal with the FBI, headed up by profiler Colette Swanson (Meagan Good). Swanson has a low opinion of Malcolm and tries to convince Dani to spy on him for her. As she prepares for Christmas with her family, Jessica becomes increasingly agitated by the attention being heaped on her husband and decides to announce a reward for any new leads on the girl in the box. Shannon and Malcolm find Turner's secret office, where they realize that he also shared Shannon's concerns and wanted to prove he was right. Suspecting the truth, the two deduce the killer's real name, John Watkins, and visit his grandmother for information. John cuts Shannon's throat, knocks Malcolm unconscious, and escapes before the team can find him.
2 декабря 2019 г. | |
s01e09 |
Malcolm asks Eve out on a date. A man is found murdered in banker Beth Saverstein's apartment, but turns out not to be her husband. Rather, he is one of several partners Beth has been intimate with as part of an elite club run by the secretive Jasper St. George. Hoping to get a lead, Malcolm poses as a new client and meets Jasper's partner Simone. When questioned, she implies Beth's husband knows something. Malcolm speaks to him and learns that Beth and the victim may have been in love, a direct violation of the club's rules. While out on their date, Eve asks Malcolm to profile her; his answers visually upset her and she leaves. The team subsequently finds Jasper dead in his apartment, and Simone abducted. Putting the pieces together, Malcolm takes them back to Beth's apartment, explaining that she committed the murders out of anger for the victim rejecting her love for him and her fear of being caught. Beth surrenders when Malcolm appeals to her better nature. Gil tells Jessica about the girl in the box. Eve visits Malcolm and they have sex; that night, he has a nightmare and violently swings a knife in front of her.
25 ноября 2019 г. | |
s01e08 |
Друг семьи
Family Friend
The police dub the new suspect the "Junkyard Killer". Interpreting the man's MO as that of a "righteous" killer, Malcolm searches the scrapyard and finds another victim, Ryan Davis, buried alive in a makeshift underground cell. Enraged, the killer contacts him again demanding to know how he figured it out. Malcolm is able to maintain his composure until the killer mentions the girl in the box, which clouds his judgment and winds up leading him into a trap. The killer gives him a phone and tells him to meet at a certain location if he wants to save a kidnapped priest. Gil is able to save the priest, but Malcolm realizes it was a diversion: the killer goes to the hospital and murders Ryan in his bed. Ainsley spots him and manages to hide before cops arrive. She decides to file a report on the Junkyard Killer; Jin, who has just woken up from surgery, breaks up with her out of disgust for putting her career before him. Jessica tells her son that, against his advice, she will not leave her house until the Junkyard Killer is caught. Gil informs Malcolm that the FBI is taking over the case, and he's been kicked off.
11 ноября 2019 г. | |
s01e07 |
Вопросы и ответы
Malcolm is shot at while searching the car; the police find several bodies buried nearby, indicating the presence of a serial killer. Believing that his father may know the killer, Malcolm goes to speak to him at the same time that Ainsley is conducting her interview. At the same time, another patient, Tevin, escapes and stabs his therapist, forcing a lockdown. He manages to break into the secure wing and stab Ainsley's cameraman/boyfriend Jin in the chest before a guard is able to lock him out. With Jin bleeding to death and medics too far away to help, Malcolm attempts emergency surgery but his PTSD gets in the way. With no other options, the guard uncuffs Dr. Whitly so he can perform the procedure instead. Malcolm takes Ainsley's camera and distracts Tevin before subduing him with a taser. The procedure is successful, and Ainsley thanks her father. However, Tevin then confesses that he was manipulated by the doctor to attack Jin, leading to the latter being placed in indefinite solitary confinement. At Jessica's apartment, Malcolm receives a call from the serial killer and realizes that Dr. Whitly "mentored" him before his arrest.
4 ноября 2019 г. | |
s01e06 |
Все души и садисты
All Souls and Sadists
A man is stabbed over a hundred times to death in a park; Malcolm finds himself drawn to the victim's young son Isaac, who reminds him of himself when his father was arrested. His profile suggests that the killer is a sadist, and he correctly infers that the boy's mother is a "Jocasta", a woman with an unhealthy dependence on her son's companionship. Both Jessica and Malcolm are against Ainsley's plan to interview Dr. Whitly, and Jessica forbids her to do so. Dani and JT catch the mother trying to dig up evidence from the crime scene and take her into custody, whereupon she instantly confesses to the murder. Distraught that his profile might have been wrong, Malcolm visits his therapist Gabrielle, who prompts him to realize that he has blinded himself to the possibility that Isaac is the real killer. His suspicions are confirmed by the mother, and the police race to catch Isaac, who has attacked another man. Malcolm talks him into voluntarily submitting to psychiatric treatment. Ainsley tells her mother that she'll find a way to conduct the interview. Malcolm finds one of his father's old cars, with traces of blood in the backseat.
28 октября 2019 г. | |
s01e05 |
The Trip
Unable to sleep, Malcolm forces Gil to put him on the case of a murdered drug dealer; his insistence that the murder was motivated by revenge rather than business sets him against Dani, who becomes irritated by his attempts to profile her relationship to the case. Gil locates a potential suspect, a dealer who Dani insists is not the killer. Defying orders, she goes to see him with Malcolm in tow. A shootout occurs, and Malcolm is exposed to hallucinogenic drugs; Dani takes him home and puts him to sleep. Jessica meets Eve Blanchard, an attorney who suggests that she invest her family's money in her work fighting human trafficking. Malcolm has a dream involving his own mind, represented as himself in his father's clothes, and tries to find an old box of photos from his childhood to get answers. Dani then reveals that the dealer saved her life three years ago while she was working undercover. They locate the dealer, save him from the killer (a woman seeking revenge for her daughter's death), and fake his murder so he can start over. Jessica gives her son the box, and he finds an old picture that provides a new clue into his lost memories.
21 октября 2019 г. | |
s01e04 |
Соучастие дизайнера
Designer Complicity
Jessica gets Malcolm's name removed from Dr. Whitly's visitation list. A social media influencer is murdered in a manner that Malcolm identifies as likely being the work of a stalker. Accompanied by JT, he picks up Roger, a photographer who has been following the victim for some time, but refuses to reveal evidence that the police believe he possesses out of fear. After the real killer tries to run him over, Malcolm tricks Roger into thinking he's about to die, causing him to hand over the evidence. This points the team towards Axel X, a designer and the victim's former boyfriend who Malcolm realizes is the actual target. Without a warrant to justify taking action, Malcolm seeks out Axel on his own and gets him to give up the killer: his bodyguard Joey. Joey prepares to kill him, but the police spring a trap at the last second, using a wire Malcolm was wearing to take down both Axel and Joey. Gil provides Malcolm with a recording of his mother's interview following his father's arrest; he seemingly forgives her afterwards for lying to him about her knowledge of his crimes. Ainsley makes a surprise visit to Dr. Whitly's cell to speak to him.
14 октября 2019 г. | |
s01e03 |
Реакция страха
Fear Response
У Малкольма появляется шанс дать интервью своей мечты, но полиция Нью-Йорка берет под стражу уважаемого им психолога, доктора Элейн Браун, подозревая ее в убийстве. По мере того, как его ночные кошмары становятся чаще, Малкольм отправляется к своему доверенному детскому терапевту, чтобы проверить свою новую теорию о том, что же он видел в детстве.
7 октября 2019 г. | |
s01e02 |
Брайт помогает полиции Нью-Йорка в раскрытии убийства. Проникая в сознание серийного убийцы, он понимает, что имеет дело с последствиями после встречи с отцом. Преследуемый ужасами из своего прошлого, Брайт задается вопросом, являются ли его сны просто кошмарами или все произошло на самом деле?
30 сентября 2019 г. | |
s01e01 |
Малкольм Брайт знает, как мыслят убийцы и как работает их мозг, потому что его отец, доктор Мартин Уитли был одним из самых известных серийных убийц. Вместе со своим давним наставником Гилом Арройо и детективами Дэни Пауэллом и Джеем Ти Тармелом, он помогает полиции Нью-Йорка раскрывать преступления, определять убийц. Также он имеет дело со своей матерью, Джессикой Уитли, которая манипулирует людьми, со своей сестрой, Эйнсли Уитли и отцом, который отчаянно пытается выйти на связь со своим блудным сыном.
23 сентября 2019 г. |
19 мая 2021 г., 22:17Премьеру этого сериала на канале ТВ-3 не смог пропустить, поскольку тизер обещал увлекательное зрелище про расследования с маньяком-убийцей в качестве консультанта. Ганнибала и Декстера в этом отношении трудно переплюнуть, но интересная концепция может сработать и по второму разу. Посмотрел первый сезон и готов поделиться впечатлениями от знакомства и некоторыми мыслями по этому поводу.
Повествовательный критерий или нарратив. Криминальный психолог обращается за помощью к своему отцу, серийному убийце. Криминальный психолог Малькольм Брайт лучше всех разбирается в поведении маньяков и составляет на них досье. Как так получилось? Дело в том, что его родной отец — серийный убийца по кличке Хирург. Малькольму предстоит консультироваться с папой по поводу новых дел и параллельно самому не сойти с ума. Главный герой является представителем такой редко освещаемой в криминалогии профессии как профайлер. Не помню ни одного сериала, где главный герой считывал психотип преступника по одному лишь взгляду, хотя психологический аспект в процедуралах нередкий гость. Но это и не чистой воды…
Читать дальшеПремьеру этого сериала на канале ТВ-3 не смог пропустить, поскольку тизер обещал увлекательное зрелище про расследования с маньяком-убийцей в качестве консультанта. Ганнибала и Декстера в этом отношении трудно переплюнуть, но интересная концепция может сработать и по второму разу. Посмотрел первый сезон и готов поделиться впечатлениями от знакомства и некоторыми мыслями по этому поводу.
Повествовательный критерий или нарратив. Криминальный психолог обращается за помощью к своему отцу, серийному убийце. Криминальный психолог Малькольм Брайт лучше всех разбирается в поведении маньяков и составляет на них досье. Как так получилось? Дело в том, что его родной отец — серийный убийца по кличке Хирург. Малькольму предстоит консультироваться с папой по поводу новых дел и параллельно самому не сойти с ума. Главный герой является представителем такой редко освещаемой в криминалогии профессии как профайлер. Не помню ни одного сериала, где главный герой считывал психотип преступника по одному лишь взгляду, хотя психологический аспект в процедуралах нередкий гость. Но это и не чистой воды процедурал. Смесь детектива и триллера, которая с каждой серией погружает в себя, и за развитием событий интересно наблюдать. Сами расследования оказались нетривиальными и в каждой серии есть персонаж, который так или иначе связан с семейством Уитли. На процессе следствия акцентов не так много. Но психология взаимоотношений проработана много лучше. Обозначается драматургия между отцом и сыном. Поскольку Хирург пытается сочетать в себе не только образцового маньяка-убийцу, но и хорошего родителя. Все это мне в сериале понравилось. Даже трудности с заведением друзей имели место быть.
Визуальный критерий или техническое сопровождение сериала. Основной цвет кадра — тёмные тона, плюс немного желтого. Вообще светлых оттенков здесь не очень много, но постановка оператором каждого ракурса и заключение деталей в фокус объектива создает необходимое количество визуальной информации. Например в эпизоде, где Эйнсли интервьюирует Хирурга там в кадре, помимо актера всегда есть что-то, создающее атмосферу — картина, стакан воды или отражение в стекле. Динамика создается не столько за счет погонь или преследований физических или ментальных, сколько музыкальным сопровождением в эпизодах с трудным выбором, или когда вводится элемент неожиданности. Опенинг не обладает цепляющей мелодией, но по ходу серий обнаружится несколько интересных музыкальных опытов, достойных попадания в ваш плейлист.
Актёрские работы хороши. Том Пэйн и Майкл Шин отлично воплотили на экране своих персонажей, между ними была химия. Том хорошо показал то состояние его героя, когда он что-то делает и ему является перед глазами признаки прошлых событий, реакция естественна. Майкл Шин же держит марку отличного актера и включает мимику на все сто процентов, а улыбка его лукавая и взгляд цепляют еще больше. Злодейское обаяние в нем точно есть. Беллами Янг сыграла неплохо, но были моменты, когда переигрывала, хотя не думаю что их было прям много. Холстон Сейдж — красавица, имел возможность видеть ее ранее. Здесь она воплотила Эйнсли — амбициозную журналистку в поисках сильного материала. На протяжении сезона может вас приятно удивить.
В качестве вердикта. Хороший сериал, длиною в два сезона, который может не обладает лихим сюжетом и мегаразрывными сюжетными поворотами, как те, с кем Блудного сына сравнивают, но сериал получился годным, я бы посоветовал его к знакомству тем, кто ментально не дорос до Декстера или Ганнибала, а вкусить запретный плод хочется (в названии не библейская отсылка). Типичный продукт эпохи смешения всего со всем, но ладно сделанный продукт. Всем здоровья, добра и хороших сериалов.
15 июня 2020 г., 13:56Prodigal Son # Блудный сын (отзыв на 1 cезон, В процессе) . Это плохие люди, но у них могут быть хорошие дети! . Ты мой сын! Я люблю тебя и всегда буду любить! . ✔️Парочка мыслей о том, как НЕ НУЖНО снимать сериал про маньяка! . Сюжет: Малкольм Брайт, специалист по криминальной психологии, уволен из ФБР за нестандартные методы работы. Он устраивается консультантом в полицию. Отец Малкольма, доктор Мартин Уитли, он же Хирург, обвинен в убийстве 23 женщин. Брайт консультируется с ним по поводу новых дел, при этом у него до фига проблем: кошмары, бессонница и неустойчивая психика. . ✔️Я ждала этот проект. Хотелось драмы с детективным сюжетом и уклоном в психиатрию. На деле, вышло иначе. Первые 3-4 серии хороши, есть интрига. Но, чем дальше, тем скучней! Планировали 22 серии в 1 сезоне (из-за вируса отсняли 20) и даже это чересчур много. Если выбросить половину, стало бы ярче и динамичней . Michael Sheen в роли Хирурга, претендует на звание Отец года! (Сыночек, я горжусь тобой!; Доченька, принцесса моя!) Мартин любит своих детей всем сердцем! Папочка-лапочка и почему…
Читать дальшеProdigal Son # Блудный сын (отзыв на 1 cезон, В процессе)
Это плохие люди, но у них могут быть хорошие дети!
Ты мой сын! Я люблю тебя и всегда буду любить!
✔️Парочка мыслей о том, как НЕ НУЖНО снимать сериал про маньяка!
Сюжет: Малкольм Брайт, специалист по криминальной психологии, уволен из ФБР за нестандартные методы работы. Он устраивается консультантом в полицию. Отец Малкольма, доктор Мартин Уитли, он же Хирург, обвинен в убийстве 23 женщин. Брайт консультируется с ним по поводу новых дел, при этом у него до фига проблем: кошмары, бессонница и неустойчивая психика.
✔️Я ждала этот проект. Хотелось драмы с детективным сюжетом и уклоном в психиатрию. На деле, вышло иначе. Первые 3-4 серии хороши, есть интрига. Но, чем дальше, тем скучней! Планировали 22 серии в 1 сезоне (из-за вируса отсняли 20) и даже это чересчур много. Если выбросить половину, стало бы ярче и динамичней
Michael Sheen в роли Хирурга, претендует на звание Отец года! (Сыночек, я горжусь тобой!; Доченька, принцесса моя!) Мартин любит своих детей всем сердцем! Папочка-лапочка и почему к нему все цепляются?! Bellamy Young мать Малкольма, типичная MILF, дико переигрывает, мгновенно переходя от истерики к соблазнению. Сестренка Halston Sage журналистка, ради громкого репортажа, готова на всё. Сам, Малкольм Брайт Tom Payn для меня очаровательно-отвратителен, но не больше, глубоких эмоций его герой не вызывает. Что бросается в глаза: семейка Уйтли очень богата и ведут они себя как засранцы (увы, даже Брайт частенько). Деньги, статус, костюмы Tom Ford, и плевать на других!
✔️IMHO, нельзя снимать про серийных убийц в стиле комедии, с шуточками-прибаутками и приколами. Это напрягает. Опять же, все дела раскрываются молниеносно и лишь благодаря Брайту (НЕ ВЕРЮ!). Напарники выглядят как идиоты, а преступники мгновенно признаются во всем. СКУЧНО!
✔️Мой личный лучик солнца в этом сериале Keiko Agena, она же патологоанатом Эдриса Танака, чудесный персонаж, мило влюблена в Брайта, забавно с ним флиртует и трогательно заботится! Благодаря ей, я "осилила" 1 сезон!
✔️Проект был продлен на 2 сезон, но желания смотреть продолжение (даже несмотря на захватывающий финал) у меня не возникло.
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