The District Attorney - персоны

Whitlock, Lloyd Whitlock, Lloyd Мистер Смит едет в Вашингтон, Непобежденный, Плавучий театр
Форд Стерлинг Форд Стерлинг Ford Sterling 1925 Studio Tour, Джентльмены предпочитают блондинок, The Knockout
Shumway, Walter Shumway, Walter С огоньком, Fighting Shadows, Pretty Baby
Ritchie, Franklin Ritchie, Franklin Harvest, The District Attorneys Burglar, The Science of Crime
Peal, Henry Peal, Henry Cheating the Public
Otto, Henry Otto, Henry Свенгали, Железная маска, Dantes Inferno
Metcalfe, Earl Metcalfe, Earl Cured, A Romance of the Navy, Eagle of the Night
McGovern, Albert McGovern, Albert Her Humble Ministry, Her Two Sons, Nans Diplomacy
Lytton, L. Rogers Lytton, L. Rogers Checkmated, Jerrys Mother-in-Law, The Bachelors Baby, or How It All Happened
Уилфред Лукас Уилфред Лукас Wilfred Lucas Новые времена, Мост Ватерлоо, Мистер Смит едет в Вашингтон Актер, режиссер, сценарист.
Foxall, Richard Foxall, Richard Lost Causes
Eytinge, Harry Eytinge, Harry Beau Crummel and His Bride, Mr. Sniffkins Widow, The Girl of the Gypsy Camp
Crawford, Lester Crawford, Lester 50 Million Frenchmen, Cold Turkey, Court Plastered
Brower, Robert Brower, Robert Эксперимент, Человек-невидимка, A Tenacious Solicitor
August, Edwin August, Edwin Мистер Смит едет в Вашингтон, Беглец, A Beast at Bay
Armstrong, Billy Armstrong, Billy By the Sea, His New Job, A Woman