Musical Ensemble - персоны

Vagabonds, The Vagabonds, The Hey, Rookie, It Aint Hay, People Are Funny
Trianas, The Trianas, The Strange Lady in Town, Городской тост (сериал)
Teen-Agers, The Teen-Agers, The One Exciting Week
Melodeers, The Melodeers, The Radio Rascals, Shes My Lilly, Im Her Willie, The Life of the Party
Simpao, Benjie Simpao, Benjie Cross My Heart
Simp-Phonies, The Simp-Phonies, The The Medico of Painted Springs
Revus, Sugar Baba Revus, Sugar Baba Hongkong Honeymoon
Revuers, The Revuers, The Greenwich Village
Wing, Chief Wing, Chief The Cowpuncher, The Plains Across
Drummers, The Drummers, The A Tale of Two Cafes
The Pied Pipers The Pied Pipers The Pied Pipers Я люблю Люси (сериал), Сыграй мою музыку, Make Your Own Kind of Music! Американская вокальная группа
Makers, The Makers, The Lets Sing a Song About the Moonlight, Lets Sing a Song from the Movies, Lets Sing a Song of the West
Four, The Four, The Да здравствует Лас-Вегас, In the Mines, Girls That Do
Highland, Brad Highland, Brad High Five, The Scientists Apprentice, The Last Ride
Harmony, The Harmony, The Shes My Lilly, Im Her Willie
Pennies, The Pennies, The Red Nichols & His World Famous Pennies, Red Nichols and His Five Pennies, The Bell Telephone Hour
Keys, The Keys, The Субботним вечером в прямом эфире (сериал), For the Love of Music: The Story of Nashville, Austin City Limits
Rascals, The Rascals, The Home from Home, I Scream, Bandstand
Conneeley, Travis Conneeley, Travis Топ-модель по-австралийски (сериал)
Yankees, The Yankees, The The Vagabond Lover, Musikladen
Band, Godoys Argentine Band, Godoys Argentine Bobs Busy Day, Going Spanish, It Pays to Be Funny
Band, Eduardo Durants Rhumba Band, Eduardo Durants Rhumba La Cucaracha, Dancers in the Dark, La Fiesta de Santa Barbara
Band, Deuce Spriggins Band, Deuce Spriggins Cowboy Blues, Down the Trail to San Antone, Singing on the Trail