Vagabonds, The
Hey, Rookie, It Aint Hay, People Are Funny |
Trianas, The
Strange Lady in Town, Городской тост (сериал) |
Teen-Agers, The
One Exciting Week |
Melodeers, The
Radio Rascals, Shes My Lilly, Im Her Willie, The Life of the Party |
Simpao, Benjie
Cross My Heart |
Simp-Phonies, The
The Medico of Painted Springs |
Revus, Sugar Baba
Hongkong Honeymoon |
Revuers, The
Greenwich Village |
Wing, Chief
The Cowpuncher, The Plains Across |
Drummers, The
A Tale of Two Cafes |
The Pied Pipers
The Pied Pipers
Я люблю Люси (сериал), Сыграй мою музыку, Make Your Own Kind of Music! |
Американская вокальная группа
Makers, The
Lets Sing a Song About the Moonlight, Lets Sing a Song from the Movies, Lets Sing a Song of the West |
Four, The
Да здравствует Лас-Вегас, In the Mines, Girls That Do |
Highland, Brad
High Five, The Scientists Apprentice, The Last Ride |
Harmony, The
Shes My Lilly, Im Her Willie |
Pennies, The
Red Nichols & His World Famous Pennies, Red Nichols and His Five Pennies, The Bell Telephone Hour |
Keys, The
Субботним вечером в прямом эфире (сериал), For the Love of Music: The Story of Nashville, Austin City Limits |
Rascals, The
Home from Home, I Scream, Bandstand |
Conneeley, Travis
Топ-модель по-австралийски (сериал) |
Yankees, The
The Vagabond Lover, Musikladen |
Band, Godoys Argentine
Bobs Busy Day, Going Spanish, It Pays to Be Funny |
Band, Eduardo Durants Rhumba
La Cucaracha, Dancers in the Dark, La Fiesta de Santa Barbara |
Band, Deuce Spriggins
Cowboy Blues, Down the Trail to San Antone, Singing on the Trail |