Weeks, Bryant
Bix, Its a Small Life, Pupi Avati, ieri, oggi, domani |
Tannura, Philip
Ты никогда не будешь богаче, Reveille with Beverly, Bulldog Drummond at Bay |
Simon, Louis
Go Easy, Doctor, Harolds Toupee, Her Mothers Voice |
Schellenbach, Teddy
Either Or |
Schaubhut, Aaron
The Inherited |
Ruíz, Pedro
Дежурная аптека (сериал), Посланник, Приключения мышонка |
Raymond, Whitney
Пекло, Jimmy, The Quinceville Raffle |
Pickford, Jack
Poor Little Peppina, To Save Her Soul, The School Teacher and the Waif |
Paget, Alfred
Беглец, A Lodging for the Night, A Beast at Bay |
Olaguivel, Juan
Гордость и страсть, Бог простит… Я - нет!, Поезд ужасов |
Olaguera, Stefan
Милосердие (сериал), Murt Ramirez Wants to Kick My Ass, Paper Words |
Obregon, Gustavo
First Interview |
Nummi, Ron
Однажды в Америке, Острое Желание, Между мужчинами (сериал) |
Muehlenberg, Peter
Another Mark on the Surface, Class Wars |
Mendoza, Kyle Epic
Hazard Pay, The Disk: Code Zero |
McCloud, Cameron
The Chosen One, Part I |
Maza, Winter
Luisa, The Sacrifice of Old San Juan |
Martinek, H.O.
A Desperate Stratagem, Harry the Swell, Quits |
Luna, Brian
Вкус жизни, Broken Toy, Au Pair Chocolat |
Little, J.B.
West of Nowhere |
Kuehnast, Kevin
Love, Charles, Over the Gulch, The Cold Farewell |
Jones, Marcus
Svetlana and Ivanka II: American Icon, The Scenesters, That Movie Show |
Jones, Dingo
Damselvis, Daughter of Helvis, Gore Whore, Gorotica |
Johnson, Alex R.
Pickup and Return, Thanksgiving, Criminals Win |
Hitchcock, Charles
His New Job, Boosting Business, Stopping the Limited |