Himself, Cameo Appearance - персоны

Whiteman, Paul Whiteman, Paul Великие представления (сериал), Играйте, музыканты, Rhapsody in Blue
West, Buster West, Buster Час Альфреда Хичкока (сериал), Dame Shy, Ready to Serve
Weir, Leonard Weir, Leonard Make Mine a Million, Jack Hyltons Monday Show
Tinney, Frank Tinney, Frank Broadway After Dark, The Governors Boss
Stone, Fred Stone, Fred Человек с запада, Тропинка одинокой сосны, Элис Эдамс
Steel, John Steel, John Broadway After Dark
Scott, Cyril Scott, Cyril The Day of Days, The Lords of High Decision, Arizona
Ross, Charles J. Ross, Charles J. The Senator, Who Killed Simon Baird?, A Double Haul
McIntyre, Robert McIntyre, Robert 1925 Studio Tour, The Volunteer, Penn & Teller: Bullshit!
Love, Montagu Love, Montagu Морской ястреб, Ветер, Приключения Робин Гуда
Kolker, Henry Kolker, Henry Лицо женщины, Юнион Пасифик, Ромео и Джульетта
Knoles, Harley Knoles, Harley Bought and Paid For, The Cost, The White Sheik
Hitchcock, Raymond Hitchcock, Raymond My Valet, Popular Players Off the Stage, Pusher-in-the-Face
Henderson, Dickie Henderson, Dickie Кавалькада, Time Without Pity, The Best of the Royal Variety
Glendenning, Raymond Glendenning, Raymond Красотки из Сент-Триниан, Обнаженное лезвие, Так держать... Медсестра
Eltinge, Julian Eltinge, Julian Her Grace, the Vampire, How Molly Malone Made Good, If I Had My Way
Edeson, Robert Edeson, Robert Десять заповедей, Глупые жены, Aloha
Ditrichstein, Leo Ditrichstein, Leo How Molly Malone Made Good
Corbett, James J. Corbett, James J. James J. Corbett & Neil OBrien, James J. Corbett; or, How Championships Are Won and Lost, Screen Snapshots, Series 1, No. 24
Brady, Zach Brady, Zach Гетеросексуал и Бутч
Brady, William A. Brady, William A. Life, After Dark, The Boss
Blackwell, Carlyle Blackwell, Carlyle Жилец, A Dixie Mother, By the Aid of a Lariat