Ниевес Наварро
Nieves Navarro
Пистолет для Ринго, Смерть приходит в полночь, Эммануэль и каннибалы |
Zhao, Ze Jing
Survival Chinese |
Wolfe, Sadie
Party Killer |
Whitten, Jill
Things I Hate |
Treasure, Tiffany
Hidden Agendas, Unrequited |
Sweet, Cat
The Pusher |
Schneider, Alexis
Резня у дороги, Виселица, A Dove Among Pigeons |
Redford, Rindi
Nearly Forgotten |
Penney, Melissa
Philter |
Oates, Kristal
Table Top: Vol. 1 |
Nasiatka, Amy Bosi
Night Interrupted |
Migliore, Jennifer
Death & Taxes |
Marchelletta, Alyssa
Second Generation Wayans, Funny How Things Happen, Old Man Cabbage |
Kane, Star
A Ripple in the World |
Johnson, Tamika
Crystals Lyrics |
Hill, Emily
For the Love of Food |
Gonzales, Yesenia
Bloodsucka Jones |
Foster, Dezaré
Мстители, Морская полиция: Лос-Анджелес (сериал), Drag Bottle Dreams |
Foran, Kara
A Christmas Anniversary |
Fitzharris, Ange
The Transmigration of Love |
Ehrhorn, Grace
The Paper Swan |
Edwards, Kenya
Motion Music |