Zombie #1 - персоны

Kluza, Dorota Kluza, Dorota Bloodsucka Jones vs. The Creeping Death
Woebbeking, Ryan Woebbeking, Ryan Aftermath, Phantom of the Woods, The Devil
Welliver, Logan Welliver, Logan The Dead Hate Their Late Fees
Weichman, Wren Weichman, Wren GTA VR, За гранью З/Л/А, Resident Evil: Down with the Sickness
Visco, Aaron Visco, Aaron Blaming George Romero, Dark Wings, Red Scare
Berg, Yannic Berg, Yannic Nog Vele Jaren
Tang, Mark Tang, Mark Crime Scene
Staley, Jason Staley, Jason Tales of the Dead: Undying Love & Get the Shot
Sipocovich, Slava Sipocovich, Slava Tumors
Settle, Nick Settle, Nick Streaker, Zombiez!!
Ryan, Tre Ryan, Tre California Solo, Hes Mine Not Yours, Пастырь
Raines, Kevin Raines, Kevin Die and Let Live
Quaigg, Jason Quaigg, Jason Зверская резня, The Lords of Praxton
Player, Mike Player, Mike Outlaugh!, Wisecrack, Zombie Housecleaners
Peterson, Brennon Peterson, Brennon Dough of the Dead, Sweet Steal
Pearce, Donald Pearce, Donald Quadroon
Pearce, Dominic Pearce, Dominic Детектив с пучком на голове, Goodbye, Cruel World, Hunter: For the Record
Mrzyglod, Kirk Mrzyglod, Kirk Der Winter, der ein Sommer war, Damned on Earth, Dead Run
Monroe, Mark Monroe, Mark Critical Mass: 719
Mendoza, Pedro Mendoza, Pedro Give Me a Treat, Zombie Ed, The Blue Beetle: Ted Kord Returns!
McGuffin, Nelson McGuffin, Nelson The Zombies Are Coming to Town!
Matheny, Jon Matheny, Jon A Dark Place
MacKinnon, Christopher MacKinnon, Christopher Психи (сериал), Sealladh, Тарзан (сериал)
Lipphardt, Torsten Lipphardt, Torsten Dead Run, Dead Run 2
Lindbergh, Charles Lindbergh, Charles Once Upon a Once Upon, Hollywood Without Make-Up, Across Indiana