Louise - персоны

Tap, Greg Tap, Greg Blood Ink: The Tavalou Tales
Tallarico, Marco Tallarico, Marco СМСуальность, King of Sorrow, Любовь на линии фронта
Rocke, Naomi Rocke, Naomi Man Woman Love
Perera, Camille Perera, Camille Louis
Peery, Alison Peery, Alison IRL
Paul, Floor Paul, Floor Rue Des Invalides
Moealam, Budi Moealam, Budi Yang terbelenggu, Aduhai manisnya, Detik-detik cinta menyentuh
Moeaki, David Moeaki, David Пальцы веером, Дикая сторона (сериал)
Maurel, Yo Maurel, Yo Coquin de sort, Durand bijoutier
Keenan, Patrick G. Keenan, Patrick G. Невидимая сторона, Родина (сериал), Патриот
Gladwell, Emma Gladwell, Emma Le piege, Maid of Horror
Galliano, Emma Galliano, Emma Love on the Sly, Not My Film, Rebel Wessex
Friedman, Larry Friedman, Larry Mulligan Stew
Friedman, Lari Friedman, Lari Восемь безумных ночей, Save the Mavericks
Friedman, Kyle Friedman, Kyle Trespasses
Hoskins, Stacy Hoskins, Stacy Silence of the Belle
Dooley, Ciara Dooley, Ciara Halfway to Heaven
Haan, Eline Haan, Eline Shared
Danger, Fanélie Danger, Fanélie Ayúdame
Chirillo, Lee Chirillo, Lee Якудза, Thoughts on the Flag
Cerjak, Alojz Cerjak, Alojz Praznovanje pomladi
Cerizolla, Philippe Cerizolla, Philippe Les nouveaux tricheurs
Cerito, Emile Cerito, Emile Nèg maron
Carlson, Kiva Carlson, Kiva Всё ещё мой, Боец, Oliver Sherman