The Crook - персоны

Worth, Harry Worth, Harry Знак Зорро, Морской ястреб, Jackass Mail
Washburn, Bryant Washburn, Bryant Дилижанс, Пекло, Любимец Нью-Йорка
Ruggli, Christian Ruggli, Christian Bloodsucking Killerclowns from Outer Space
Ruggles, Wesley Ruggles, Wesley The Floorwalker, Slightly Dangerous, The Bank
Paul, Fred Paul, Fred Wunder des Fliegens: Der Film eines deutschen Fliegers, Castles in the Air, Her Greatest Performance
Panzer, Paul Panzer, Paul Миссия в Москву, Касабланка, Незнакомцы в поезде
McLaglen, Cyril McLaglen, Cyril Мария Шотландская, Питер Иббетсон, История Бенджамина Блэйка
McAllister, Ward McAllister, Ward Its Never Too Late to Mend, Painless Extracting, Repentance
Kirby, David Kirby, David Easy Money, The Lawful Cheater, The White Lie
Kenton, Erle C. Kenton, Erle C. End of the Trail, Her Blighted Love, His Smothered Love
Jamison, Bud Jamison, Bud Собачья жизнь, Весь город говорит, By the Sea
Hopkins, Jack Hopkins, Jack Tangled, A Hot Time in Atlantic City, Man and Woman
Gribbon, Harry Gribbon, Harry Кинооператор, Люди искусства, Мордашка
Grassby, Bertram Grassby, Bertram American Methods, Gilded Youth, Mid-Channel
Frankenburg, Julius Frankenburg, Julius Betty Fools Dear Old Dad, The Understudy, Bread Upon the Waters
Finn, Arthur Finn, Arthur Слава, Married Life, the Second Year, Through the Firing Line
Field, George Field, George Суд над чикагской семеркой, A Modern Free-Lance, Ashes of Three
Felton, William Felton, William Shadows of a Great City, The Baby on the Barge, The Basilisk
Faust, Martin Faust, Martin Маленький полковник, Юнион Пасифик, Дом о семи фонтанах
dAragon, Lionel dAragon, Lionel Big Money, Mist in the Valley, The Price He Paid
Chase, Charley Chase, Charley His New Profession, The Knockout, Dough and Dynamite
Гарри Кэри Гарри Кэри Harry Carey Мистер Смит едет в Вашингтон, Красная река, The Shepherd of the Hills
Betz, Matthew Betz, Matthew The Unholy Three, Свадебный марш, Казённый дом
Benner, Yale Benner, Yale According to Their Lights, George Washington Jones, Peg o the Movies
Benham, Harry Benham, Harry The Patriot, Доктор Джекил и мистер Хайд, A Pullman Nightmare
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