Worth, Harry
Знак Зорро, Морской ястреб, Jackass Mail |
Washburn, Bryant
Дилижанс, Пекло, Любимец Нью-Йорка |
Ruggli, Christian
Bloodsucking Killerclowns from Outer Space |
Ruggles, Wesley
The Floorwalker, Slightly Dangerous, The Bank |
Paul, Fred
Wunder des Fliegens: Der Film eines deutschen Fliegers, Castles in the Air, Her Greatest Performance |
Panzer, Paul
Миссия в Москву, Касабланка, Незнакомцы в поезде |
McLaglen, Cyril
Мария Шотландская, Питер Иббетсон, История Бенджамина Блэйка |
McAllister, Ward
Its Never Too Late to Mend, Painless Extracting, Repentance |
Kirby, David
Easy Money, The Lawful Cheater, The White Lie |
Kenton, Erle C.
End of the Trail, Her Blighted Love, His Smothered Love |
Jamison, Bud
Собачья жизнь, Весь город говорит, By the Sea |
Hopkins, Jack
Tangled, A Hot Time in Atlantic City, Man and Woman |
Gribbon, Harry
Кинооператор, Люди искусства, Мордашка |
Grassby, Bertram
American Methods, Gilded Youth, Mid-Channel |
Frankenburg, Julius
Betty Fools Dear Old Dad, The Understudy, Bread Upon the Waters |
Finn, Arthur
Слава, Married Life, the Second Year, Through the Firing Line |
Field, George
Суд над чикагской семеркой, A Modern Free-Lance, Ashes of Three |
Felton, William
Shadows of a Great City, The Baby on the Barge, The Basilisk |
Faust, Martin
Маленький полковник, Юнион Пасифик, Дом о семи фонтанах |
dAragon, Lionel
Big Money, Mist in the Valley, The Price He Paid |
Chase, Charley
His New Profession, The Knockout, Dough and Dynamite |
Гарри Кэри
Harry Carey
Мистер Смит едет в Вашингтон, Красная река, The Shepherd of the Hills |
Betz, Matthew
The Unholy Three, Свадебный марш, Казённый дом |
Benner, Yale
According to Their Lights, George Washington Jones, Peg o the Movies |
Benham, Harry
The Patriot, Доктор Джекил и мистер Хайд, A Pullman Nightmare |