Scaduto, Jeffrey W.
The Dead Next Door, The Naked Monster, Bloodletting |
Lye, Michael
Emma!, Paula Peril: Midnight Whistle, Its Supernatural |
Luhtala, Tom
Jean Claude: The Gumming Zombie, Axe Giant: The Wrath of Paul Bunyan, Fanboy |
Kittridge, Kevin
Perv: The Cat, Dream Job, Short Term |
Ллойд Кауфман
Lloyd Kaufman
Стражи Галактики, Сон в летнюю ночь, Стражи Галактики. Часть 3 |
Ferrante, Chris J.
Juncture, Reality of Life, Skills Like This |
Arthur, Jon
Бенджи, Buena gente, Manhattan Gray |