Singing Group - персоны

Charros, The Charros, The Rhumba Land
Real, C. Real, C. История натурала
Rascanescu, Nicolea Rascanescu, Nicolea Даки, Saptamîna nebunilor
Rascals, The Rascals, The Where the Action Is, Home from Home, I Scream
Rascals, Rhythm Rascals, Rhythm A Night at the Biltmore Bowl, Hollywood Bound, Jan Savitts Serenade in Swing
The Pied Pipers The Pied Pipers The Pied Pipers Я люблю Люси (сериал), Сыграй мою музыку, Bonnie Lassie Американская вокальная группа
Octette, The Octette, The Calling All Crooners
Notables, The Notables, The Arizona Cyclone, Юнцы на Бродвее, Down Missouri Way
Modernaires, The Modernaires, The Серенада солнечной долины, История Гленна Миллера, С песней в моем сердце
Macs, The Macs, The The Nat King Cole Show, Love Story, Fits and Benefits
Wranglers, The Wranglers, The Состязание без правил, Heroes of the Range, Stormy
Vagabonds, The Vagabonds, The Tuxedo Junction
Kingsmill, Alex Kingsmill, Alex Bang, Medium Rare
Kingsmen, The Kingsmen, The 20 к 1 (сериал), Как справиться с диким бикини, Old Dog Tray
Jesters, The Jesters, The Городской тост (сериал), Badlands of Dakota, Both Barrels Blazing
Hotshots, The Hotshots, The Rockin in the Rockies, Rose of Santa Rosa, Singin Spurs
Quartette, The Quartette, The A Song Is Born, Hit Parade of 1943, Hollywood Canteen
Four, The Avalon Four, The Avalon At Sea Ashore
Tops, The Tops, The Musikladen, Полицейские под прикрытием (сериал), Ready, Steady, Go!
Tones, The Tones, The Two-Gun Man from Harlem, Blue Zulu, Взгляды 2 (сериал)
Control, The Control, The Leron-leron sinta
Criers, The Town Criers, The Town Breakin It Down, Community Sing No. 9, Series 7: Rosie the Riveter, Cowboy Blues
Cavalinho, Michael Cavalinho, Michael Грибники
Cavaliers, The Cavaliers, The Main Street Follies, The Milton Berle Show, Городской тост (сериал)
Kids, The Kids, The Диснейленд (сериал), Rock Rock Rock!, Pink Lemonade
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