Singing Waiter - персоны

Wagener, Nils Wagener, Nils Einer wie Bruno
Wagener, Kurt Wagener, Kurt Skid Kids, Waltz Time, A Good Pull-Up
Sunzeri, Dominico Sunzeri, Dominico All Night Long
Stribling, William J. Stribling, William J. Lies I Told My Little Sister, Habibì
Stewart, Jacob Z. Stewart, Jacob Z. Lies I Told My Little Sister
Reed, Robin Reed, Robin Steel: Mans Servant, The First Hundred Days, The House of Secrets
Penso, Armando Penso, Armando Большой
Mosetti, Sergio Mosetti, Sergio Большой
Monti, Antonio Monti, Antonio ...e i rettili furono vinti!, La moglie di Claudio, Amore e libertà
Monti, Alfredo Monti, Alfredo Большой
Mariani, Augusto Mariani, Augusto Большой
Lander, Burc Lander, Burc All Night Long
Hughes, Richard Hughes, Richard The Fantastic Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor, Vladimir Nabokov, Oriental Evil
Hughes, Rhett Hughes, Rhett Я тоже тебя люблю
Holiber, Nicolas Holiber, Nicolas Violets New Gloves
Holibar, Geordie Holibar, Geordie Шортланд-стрит (сериал)
Holiavko, Teddy Holiavko, Teddy Большой
Garner, Jason Garner, Jason Чуваки, The Luau
Dyar, John Dyar, John All Night Long
Devia, Richard Devia, Richard Большой
Coviello, Tom Coviello, Tom Большой
Consiglio, Michael Consiglio, Michael Beer Pong Saved My Life, Freezer Burn, Going Very Badly
Collins, Fred Collins, Fred InHumanoids, Американский театр (сериал)
Collins, Frank Collins, Frank The Pace That Kills
Bellemer, John Bellemer, John Линкольн, Lies I Told My Little Sister