Himself - Orchestra Leader - персоны

Welk, Lawrence Welk, Lawrence Диснейленд (сериал), Baseball, Dennis & The French, Champagne Music
Towne, George Towne, George Dirty Drawings with Happy Endings, Columbia Thrills of Music: George Towne and His Orchestra
Thornhill, Claude Thornhill, Claude Claude Thornhill & Orchestra, Columbia Thrills of Music 9952: Claude Thornhill and His Orchestra, The Big Broadcast of 1936
Slack, Freddie Slack, Freddie Следуя за парнями, Леди - призрак, Reveille with Beverly
Roseberry, Arthur Roseberry, Arthur Big Business
Reyes, Cipriano Reyes, Cipriano Evita, quien quiera oír que oiga, El día que cambio la historia
Reyes, Chuy Reyes, Chuy Freddie Steps Out, Holiday Rhythm, Pan-Americana
Rey, Alvino Rey, Alvino Follow the Band, Jam Session, Larceny with Music
Pastor, Tony Pastor, Tony Танцующая студентка, Symphony of Swing, Tony Pastor and His Orchestra
Olsen, George Olsen, George Happy Days, Hit Tune Jamboree, Morals for Women
Navara, Leon Navara, Leon Leon Navara and His Orchestra, Leon Navara and Orchestra, Sin-copation
Morgan, Russ Morgan, Russ Disc Jockey, Meet the Maestros, Mister Cory
Manone, Wingy Manone, Wingy Juke Box Jenny, Rhythm Inn, Ритм на реке
Malneck, Matty Malneck, Matty Свидетель обвинения, Ah, Yes, Theres Good Blues Tonight, Восточная сторона небес
Madriguera, Enric Madriguera, Enric Enric Madriguera and Orchestra, The Thrill of Brazil, Enric Madriguera and His Orchestra
Lopez, Vincent Lopez, Vincent Вселенная (сериал), Будущее планеты: Жизнь после людей, AutoManiac
Long, Johnny Long, Johnny Follies Girl, Johnny Long and Orchestra, Swingin at the Seance
Jurgens, Flick Jurgens, Flick Basie
Jurgens, Dick Jurgens, Dick Dick Jurgens and His Orchestra
Jerome, Sydney Jerome, Sydney Café Continental
Henderson, Skitch Henderson, Skitch The Beginning of the End of the World, The Gifts, Murder in A-Flat
Hayton, Lennie Hayton, Lennie Любовь лучше, чем когда-либо, Парочка Баркли с Бродвея, Рекламисты
Grayson, Hal Grayson, Hal Night World, Hollywood on Parade No. A-2
Goldsmith, Ralph Goldsmith, Ralph Piccadilly Nights
Gibbons, Carroll Gibbons, Carroll Переулок Святого Мартина, Calling All Stars, Falling in Love
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