Documentary subject - персоны

Hahn, Nils Hahn, Nils Beatsmith
Swartz, Lesley Swartz, Lesley Provider
Stresen-Reuter, Ned Stresen-Reuter, Ned Горечь любви, Rooftops, The Housetaurant
Sage, Tex Sage, Tex Apparition of the Eternal Church
Mitchell, John Cameron Mitchell, John Cameron Типа счастье (сериал), Девочки (сериал), Сумеречная зона (сериал)
Koestenbaum, Wayne Koestenbaum, Wayne Apparition of the Eternal Church
Kay, Sheldon Kay, Sheldon Provider
Handler, Daniel Handler, Daniel Лемони Сникет: 33 несчастья (сериал), Apparition of the Eternal Church, D Tour
Gordon, River Gordon, River Riot Acts: Flaunting Gender Deviance in Music Performance
Gordon, Ricky Ian Gordon, Ricky Ian Apparition of the Eternal Church
Gallmann, Kuki Gallmann, Kuki HBO: Первый взгляд (сериал)
Gallman, Ron Gallman, Ron Apparition of the Eternal Church
Fuller, Alec Fuller, Alec Cappuccino Tango
Fuller, Albert Fuller, Albert Apparition of the Eternal Church
Felciano, Richard Felciano, Richard Apparition of the Eternal Church
Felciano, Manoel Felciano, Manoel Элементарно (сериал), Необычный детектив (сериал), Жизнь на Марсе (сериал)
Dubowski, Sandi Simcha Dubowski, Sandi Simcha Джихад за любовь, Трепет перед богом, Missionaries Form Militias Unholy Alliance
Charles, Nevin Charles, Nevin Six Chicks and a Dead Guy
Charles, Nathan Charles, Nathan Big Society, Curb Creatures, Candeo
Blonde, Squeaky Blonde, Squeaky 3 Stories About Evil, A Nightmare on Castro Street, Apparition of the Eternal Church
Bilgi, Shamik Bilgi, Shamik Beatsmith
Becker, Dan Becker, Dan Apparition of the Eternal Church, Расследования Элоизы Ром (сериал), Yogurt, Inc.
Barghouti, Mustapha Barghouti, Mustapha Rumble in Mumbai: The 2004 World Social Forum
Banwell, Tony Banwell, Tony The Man Whose Mind Exploded
Annand, Ab Annand, Ab The June Bug Symphony