Anders, Iain
Reuben -
Aris, Ben
Policeman -
Bardon, John
Man with Cigarette -
Bates, Richard
Beale, David
Bean, Colin
Private Sponge -
Benson, Anthony
Le geôlier -
Benson, Perry
Berkeley, Ballard
Lt. Col. Dewar-Curie -
Bostrom, Arthur
Brother of Insp. Crabtree -
Bryant, Fred
Luke -
Burden, Billy
Herdsman -
Carnell, Mike
Postman -
Collins, Andrew
Connor, Kenneth
Ernie Broughton -
Curry, Shaun
Bert -
Dwyer, Leslie
Alfie Brewer -
Earlle, Freddie
Liverpool Delegate -
Fielder, Harry
Dopey the security sergeant -
Foy, Barry
Himself -
Godfrey, Brian
Timothy -
Gwaspari, Brian
Hooper, Ewan
Edward -
James, Keith
Mr. Bateson -
Leesley, Geoffrey
Longworth, Eric
House of Lords Messenger -
Mac, Jimmy
Platoon Member (1968-1969, 1976-1977) -
Markham, Harry
Newsagent -
Mercer, Nick
Greenclaws -
Pertwee, Bill
Woodie -
Rayner, Stuart
Speedicut -
Redfern, Michael
Richards, Gavin
Donald -
Rutland, John
Sid Light -
Smart, Sam
Gilmore -
Stevens, Ronnie
Hankley -
Thomas, Talfryn
Mr. Wagstaffe -
Ward, Paddy
Brendy OToole -
Ward-Lewis, Colin
Webb, David
Candid Camera Team (1989-1990) -
Williams, Frank
Mr. Stubbs -
Young, Stan
Doorman -
Тимоти Бейтсон
Dr. Cook -
Моррис Бэрри
Дэвид Гриффин
Malcolm Travers -
Ян Коллиер
Майкл Лиз
Джеймс Оттауэй
Робин Паркинсон
Гордон Питерс
Майкл Роббинс
Грэм Старк
Джефф Стюарт
Jakob -
Пол Тутхилл
Gunner Gale -
Джон Хорсли