Tony Palmer's Film Of Frank Zappa: 200 Motels (1971)

200 Motels
Tony Palmer's Film Of Frank Zappa: 200 Motels

Рейтинг IMDB: 5.9 (1 голос)

Жанр Комедия, Музыка, Фантастика
Хронометраж 1 ч. 38 мин.
Премьера 10 ноября 1971 г.
Страна США
Продюсер Cohen, Herb, Good, Jerry D., Harris, Brian, Pagel, Raoul

Рейтинг IMDB: 5.9 (1 голос)


I've read so much rubbish about 200 Motels over the years, much of it fiction, much of it originating with Frank Zappa himself, that the release of the newly restored film on DVD gives me an opportunity - my first - to correct one or two of the wilder stories about how the film came about and what really happened during the filming. Contrary to what Frank and his biographers have asserted, when I first became involved there was no script, just a trunk-load of papers containing scenes 'from the life of. My 'job', Frank said, was to make some sense of this jumble and try to construct a coherent script from which a film, any film, would emerge. True, Frank had written a pile of music, some good, some not so good, but no orchestra had been booked, no soloists, no choir, no choreographer. My second 'job' therefore was to organise all this at very short notice. Normally, you need to book a London orchestra - especially if you required them for a week - at least a year in advance. I had...