The Godfather and the LadyКомедия (США)
- Graziano, Rocky
- Pep, Willie
- Savage, Peter
- Джейн Расселл
- Barta, Susanna
- Bruce, Betty
- Cinque, Joe
- Dale, Sharynne
- DeMarco, Paddy
- Garde, Annie Birgit
- Hassid, Fina
- Herrick, F. Herrick
- Holm, John Cecil
- Kargo, Lucky
- Lederer, Richard
- Marshal, Vivian
- Masters, Art
- Meredith, Kim
- OBradovich, Bob
- Osterlund, Marion
- Perogine, Nat
- Petrella, Lorraine
- Petrella, Peter
- Scalzo, Petey
- Truland, Bud
- Walker, Carol
- Welles, Meri Carsey
- Zale, Tony